Great Small Room Speakers for $3-5k

Hi all, I'm looking to upgrade from my current speakers (Zu Audio Omen) in my small room (13x10x7: WxLxH) and willing to spend $3-5k. I'm looking for a slightly more transparent speaker than the Zu's and also a smaller speaker. I'm open to new and used speakers. So, I've turned my attention to bookshelf speakers and small footprint floorstanders. I have a Rel subwoofer to buttress low end. Most of my listening these days focuses on blues, soul and R&B, classic rock, and alternative hip-hop. 

My system is: Rogue Audio Sphinx v3, Bluesound Node 2i, Rega P3 TT, Rel T7/X sub.

My nearest Hifi shop focuses on Harbeth, Spendor, and KEF. So far, I've liked the Harbeth P3ESR and Compact 7s and the Spendor A4. But, I'm curious to get other suggestions. I've been interested in the Devore Fidelity O'Baby but are just above my price range and can't be demoed right now.

Does anyone have experience with those aforementioned speakers in a small room? What else should I consider for a smallish room in this price range?


my novice opinion: the Harbeths and Triangles seem to be the safest bets. The Devores are very expensive in comparison with similar products. 

OP trust your ears. What you hear > any review. Don’t turn away from something that sounded good to you because of a review. Your ear is the final judge.

FWIW, I had a set of KEF LS50’s for a small room. This was the original version. To my ear, they were lifeless unless they were doing 90 dB at my listening position, eight feet away from the speakers. Played at concert-level SPL, I began to understand how they earned the love of the audiophile press. But I sent them back anyway. What made the audiophile press love them did not work for me.

Doing a home audition with Fritz might be worthwhile, especially if your nearest HiFi shop will let you take home your leading candidate from there to compare.

If you were going with the Fyne in that price range, I would recommend the F1–5, or the F 700

I just picked up a pair of Acoustic Energy AE509 for my bedroom and I've enjoyed them so far. They're a small tower speaker with nice bass, no sub needed. New they were originally $3900 now can be found for $2800 to $3500.