Kef LS50 vs. Emerald Physics CS3 mk2

I'd be shocked if more than a few people have heard these heads up, but that's what I'm narrowed down to on paper. Any thoughts/opinions? The Kef's I plan to go audition, the EP's prove a touch more challenging to hear... I lean towards a warm rich tone w/ fast dynamics. Music tastes tend towards jazz/blues/classic rock.

Supporting gear:
Dual Rythmic Subs
W4S monoblocks
PS Audio NuWave DAC

Current Speakers PSB Stratus Mini's

Many Thx!
Kefs LS-50 r great little speakers. Transparent & cohesive. Pure. Refined.
Addictive. Somebody mentioned them as 'truth tellers'. I'd sign on for that.
Musical little devils. Everything in audio should be so well sorted out & affordable. I have them in a large room, 25x30x16, & with a Modwright
Transporter, a Velvet Touch Pre, & a Yamaha AS-2000, AudioMagic Clairvoyant Liquid pwr/spkr/interconnects. I've been tweaking on power conditioner filter caps & Oyaide R0s feeding the whole rig & Mac mini music server, & the Kefs just keep getting better. A fun speaker to listen to
4 hrs.....;-). Never tried subs. I liked the EP stuff I've heard so I bet both could lead to a satisfying system. Tough choice.
I was hoping to keep my office system simple and cheap with the LS50 as the only splurge. A month later I have gotten a new DAC, new cables, new computer hardware just to bring out the best from the LS50. All the improvements had a discernible affect. The LS50's are not that expensive but I have spent a min-fortune upgrading what was supposed to be a 'cheap' office system.

The good part is I love spending time in the office now.