Which Audio Research preamp?

Currently using Audible Illusions L3A and it’s great.  If I wanted to slide into a Audio Research for $3k or so, or less, in order to get an idea of the “house sound” what models should I be looking for?


@soix I’m thinking you may have missed all the scratches on the unit. It has been around the block and back, maybe an audiogon 5.  Why the dents in the input selector? 

ARC REF 2 MK 2.....Great bang for the buck. Generally around 3 to 3500 used, depending on condition. I actually prefer the REF 2 MK 2 to both the Ref 3 and 6 SE I  had. Of course the 6 SE is overall the better device, however in one vital area I do like the REF 2 more....Tonality and Tonal Density. The 6 SE is just a touch drier and leaner in the mid bass and mid range. YMMV, as they say.
