worthy competitors of the amr 77

about 9 days ago, a thread appeared eliciting comments concerning differences between the amr 77, the audio research cd7 and the wadia 831 players.

i seek an in-production tubed cd player in the price range $5000 plus.

i have no interest in the audio aero, audio research.
,stibbert, metronome, ayon cd 3 or ear players.

are there any other worthy competitors of the amr 77 ?
Post removed 
Anyone who wants to respond to this thread only needs to read MrTennis's other posts. There is no answer to his question. He wants his player to sound like it has a sheet over the speakers. Which sounds like the only possible solution for him.
what makes the AMR worthy?
It sounds as if you've already dismissed some worthy players IMO.
Therefore here's some of my unworthy suggestions
Oracle,Opera(Consonance),Roksan,Esoteric and Bel Canto.
Don't think I could suggest anything really worthy based on your requirements/taste posted here
i'm not sure at this place in time, the better tube and ss players are necc all that different in regard to redbook cd performance. what are you using now? for 5k it may be impossible to buy a mediocre front end. even the oldie but goodie cj players and sonic frontiers combos still are competitive and feature tubes, if thats a must.
i have a vincent cd s6. there is one player i consider a worthy competitor to the amr, namely , the marantz 7s1.