Best DAC for under $1500

Looking for a new DAC that is under $1500. Please advice.
I prefer a musical, natural, and smooth, sound with a good soundstage. The current short list consists of older Mark Levinson, Northstar, and Audio Research.

My existing system consists of magnepan speakers with a hybrid integrated amp.

Thanks in advance.
Thanks again for all your advice.
I like to add that I am using the DAC w/ Squeezebox, not sure if that will change your recommendations.
I've been using the Benchmark DAC-1 with my Squeezebox... sounds great to me, though I haven't compared it to others. The myriad online Benchmark reviews seem to be either love it, or hate it. I've also run the Benchmark direct to amp with great results (they now sell a Pre version, with more inputs). YMMV.