Maggie LRS amping question

I've had a pair of LRS for a few months, and been extremely happy with them. I'm currently running them off a Rotel RC-9808x preamp and a Rotel RB-9808x amp. This setup seems great, but as I don't know if I'm reaching the LRSs potential, I'm wondering if its worth it to buy a second RB-9808x and run them in mono. Would this be worth it? are we talking 1% better or 10% better? The detail is already superlative, I'm just wondering if the soundstage would benefit from the additional power.


I'm wondering if its worth it to buy a second RB-9808x and run them in mono. Would this be worth it? are we talking 1% better or 10% better? The detail is already superlative, I'm just wondering if the soundstage would benefit from the additional power

my 2 cents -- i would not get another 9808x unit... if you must stay rotel, get a michi level unit

otherwise, get a better sounding amp altogether... driving maggies it's not just about quantity - quality differences are shown through by the excellence of the speaker...

I’m an LRS + owner and I have to say that this speaker has an ability to show the flaws of the system more than any $1000 speaker I have ever heard. I ended up using a Peachtree GAN 400 it seems like a great match. The magna risers are a must, they improve the strengths of the speakers immensely. They will be a bit of moving around to get into the proper space but then they will cause you to sit there with your mouth open and think how is this possible. I have a few others that are quite a bit more expensive but they are not as revealing as the LRS+. 

I want to try LRS+. Do you think a McIntosh MC2100 amp would work? It's 100 watts @ 4ohms.

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