Node 2i vs Cambridge 851N question

I have been streaming Spotify and Qobuz through a Node 2i and Orchid DAC. I have had a very difficult time discerning a difference between the two streaming services on a consistent basis. I recently purchased a Cambridge 851N streamer/DAC and was shocked to hear a radical difference between Spotify and Qobuz. Spotify sounded much worse and Qobuz sounded better. Has anyone experienced this? I can understand Qobuz sounding better, but why would Spotify sound worse than with the Node?


Even without the Orchid, I had a difficult time telling what was Spotify and what was Tidal (at the time). I purchased a LUMIN D2 a couple years ago and returned it because I could not hear a noticeable difference between the Node 2i and the D2. I was a staunch critic of DACs sounding different. Now, I’m not so sure. 

i recently bought an 851n and use that now instead of the Tidal streaming > 2012 MacBook Pro > Topping SU-8. I wasted my money. The Mac laptop with the fan blowing, USB connection sending me a low voltage shock while I simultaneously browse the internet sounded a bit better. I thought the culprit was Tidal Connect sending me a 96Khz sample rate vs the 192Khz+ of the MacBook Pro ,Topping combo. I hooked up a new Win11 laptop to the CA851n at 192Khz and noticed a bit wider soundstage.. but I feel the old setup was superior. 😝.