Power cords: Anticable vs Mad Scientist

Looking for a reasonably priced power cord for use with LTA preamplifier.

Trying to stay below 750 dollars,

Any experiences with Mad Scientist or Anticable power cords.


Have anticables level 3, it’s very apparent when you add to your pre/integrated. Source was also positive. Really rids noise. Have Mad Scientist speaker cables. They’re excellent, definitely above copper anticables. I think you honestly can’t go wrong with either.

These LavriCables PCs are pure silver and have gotten very good reviews from some members here who’ve compared them to much pricier cables from Synergistic and others.  And at $543 for a 2m cable it’s well below your max budget.  Not familiar with the two you’re looking at.  Just another option to consider FWIW.

Have some fun and build your own.  VH Audio is one of many places to find high quality supplies.  OCC Copper etc.....   Just a thought.