Powered speakers show audiophiles are confused

17 of 23 speakers in my studio and home theater systems are internally powered. My studio system is all Genelec and sounds very accurate. I know the best new concert and studio speakers are internally powered there are great technical reasons to design a speaker and an amp synergistically, this concept is much more important to sound quality than the vibration systems we often buy. How can an audiophile justify a vibration system of any sort with this in mind.


@brianlucey please do not emphasize on incorrect. The MM3 is an active speaker. There is absolutely no denying that. In this case, only the woofer is an active system, but it proves out it works, and it is superior, even in what are, in your estimation, some of the best speakers available.

You are mistaken about what a Trinnov processor does. My idea of correction is not false. Let me repeat your own words to you,

The Trinnov is the most powerful piece of equipment that anyone could ever put into an Atmos studio because it deals with so many elements so quickly. It deals with the measurements for distance, adjusts the 3D placement, improves phase, group delay and speaker amplitude linearity, plus it upgrades the room issues. Beautiful results quickly, and more than physical measurements and treatments alone could accomplish.

The Trinnov has no concept of the speaker on its own, but the speaker with its connected amplifier and anything else in the signal path. The Trinnov corrects the things you mention, phase and frequency response of the combination of your amplifier and speaker. As I wrote above, that is what an active speaker does, but can do it more accurately. Everything else the Trinnov does is layered on top of the speaker correction. These are your other words,

But if you’ve done all you can with the physical side, then you bring in the Trinnov and it’s really quite remarkable, especially for speakers with a traditional crossover. I could not live without it for my Atmos room.

I am sure you will agree that your main speakers, as they correct the response of the combination of your amplifier and speakers, will not sound the same, on their own, with the Trinnov in and out of the system?


thespeakerdude Just to be clear my OP was meant to mean in the best practice each driver should be designed for each amp and visa versa. If this isn't done the amp may be very expensive but it is shooting darts on matching the particular speaker most effectively. Think of the million dollar systems that aren't designed for each other that is willful confusion a picture of silliness. The amp doesn't have to be in the speaker cabinet but it does have to be designed for the speaker. 

Vibration affecting the fidelity of active speakers with the amps inside the cabinet and those benefits are opposed to each other. That's all I'm saying. 

@thespeakerdude again. Read slowly ... I am not opposed to any concept or any system. No dogma. However in the real world FULLY ACTIVE SYSTEMS WITH DA AMP CABLES SPEAKER DSP IN ONE TEND TO BE A COST ISSUE COMPROMISE.

Trinnov ... I used to make 7.1.4 sound like stereo mm3 with no DSP.

Are we clear?

I set up the trinnov to be AS INVISIBLE AS POSSIBLE ON THE L R 

I feel I must further take issue with labelling any amplifier the best on its own. Amplifiers and speakers form a system. Colleagues would argue, correctly I must accept, that amplifiers, speakers, and the room form a system. No amplifier is the best amplifier for every speaker, and no amplifier is the best amplifier for every speaker and room combination. Tube amplifiers, even your Allnic, are often a poor choice for speakers where the delta from maximum to minimum impedance is large, and the minimum impedance is low. That amplifier could impact a significant and negative character on a speaker that a much lower cost SS amp would not.

I started in acoustics and physics then moved into movie sound about 35 years ago. I've been to many big studios but not for music but for movies. and I'm putting in my studio now for movies not music. Dolby Atmos was meant for movies not music. I have worded at music studios but didn't enjoy it as much as sound for movies. Sorry if that is beneath you.

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