Albums you do not get...a plea for help and understanding

So like most of you (I bet), I listen to tons of music.  But there are just some albums I never learned to appreciate.  I hope this thread can serve as a teaching tool.  I did not get Mingus at first but now he is one of my favorites.

Perhaps ending each post with, "What am I missing?" would be a good idea.

I will start with Graceland by Paul Simon.  Most of my friends call me crazy (still after all these years...OUCH that was bad) but I never desire to listen to this record.  I get the African influence and rhythm but it just does not impress me.  Alternatively when Peter Gabriel did the African influence thing I found it stunningly good. Paul Simon as a musician impresses me in his other works.  What am I missing?


I'd agree that Graceland (1986) is a wonderful album, but when those self-appointed afficionados start telling you what a ground-breaking appropriation/discovery of Township rhythms it represents, have them listen to Malcolm McLaren's Duck Rock (1983).

Post removed 

There is so much good music I can't waste my time listening to Miles Davis, the Beach Boys, U2, REM, most of the 1980's and 90's, "bro country", and the list goes on. Probably a shorter list of things I like. Ain't music grand?

@realworldaudio +1

A system that does not narrow down your choices can allow access even to genres that you found intolerable.

The albums by jazz guitarist “Ava Mendoza”- particularly “New Spells”. I studied guitar and have played for years yet I don’t think I will ever understand this- have listened beginning to end three times. If someone understands what’s going on here please explain it to me!