Do speaker cables really make a difference ?

Thinking about buying a different speaker cable. Do speaker cables really make a difference?


Having recently replaced my Blue Jeans speaker cables with Mogami, I can weigh in on this discussion. Two totally different sounds, for sure. After playing the Mogami's for a couple months I was not so sure they were what I was looking for and switched back to the BJC's, big change and I prefer the sound. I will switch back to the Mogami's once more to get a fresh impression, but likely looking at trying something else in the "lower" cost range.

Have just upgraded from Morrow Audio SP6 to SP7.  And once again, the better the cable, the better the sound of my system.  Specifically, better resolution and imaging, and perhaps a tad more bass now that they are breaking in's obvious to me that one can get very carried away w/the amount of money invested in I/Cs and SCs; the prices of some exceed the total $ that I've put into my entire system...but the caliber of your components should determine where this "law of diminishing returns" kicks in..I'm not there.

JB52, get help, man!


I just upgraded my speaker and interconnect cables to the Neotech Sahara rectangular OCC from harmonic Tech round OCC what a difference as good as around OCC is the rectangular OCC is even better, not cheap but well worth it.

OK assuing all the wires attached to the components are top shelf(and likely costly)and the synergy is perfect. What happens to the sound(signals) when the signals  meet the cheap zip cord like internal speaker wires?  It can't be good can it, How can it be good?