Good read: why comparing specifications is pointless


“ … Bitrates, sampling rates, bit sizes, wattages, amplifier classes…. as an audio enthusiast, there are countless specifications to compare. But it is – virtually – all meaningless. Why? Because the specifications that matter are not reported ánd because every manufacturer measures differently. let’s explain that...”




Still waiting @amir_asr , if I got a lot to learn you say you are a teacher, get busy and post the goods, otherwise just more hot air, yada, yada, yada

Audiogon Forum 1- ASR 0


@ghdprentice , he doesn’t have the goods, he is deceptive because he has to be, if he had the goods he would post them. He wrote a full page boasting about his creds and not even one mention of his own gear?

If he had even a halfway decent system he would be just as braggadocious.

Since he can’t post what he doesn’t have he just points fingers to distract attention away from his own system.

I did offer him a rematch though, we’ll see if he actually has any game (but I suspect not)

I think he is just jealous of my "nodes" :)



I have no idea what you gain from your deceptive site and posts. I like charts, but they must explain things that are not easily explained otherwise. But you are adding no value for folks that are attempting to build great sounding systems. 

Measurements absolutely show things that are not clearly "explained" otherwise.  Take a speaker I measured recently:

You should be able to easily tell the troubles in the 2 to 3 kHz even if I had not noted them.  Things like directivity may be foreign to you but it is all explained in every review.  I hope you agree that know if a speaker has colorations/faults is very important to know.  And not something you are going to get out of the random Joe reviewer.

If you don't understand these measurements, then you can watch videos I have done where I explain it all.  Here is one:


If you have specific concerns, let me know and I will address them. Until then, huge number of audiophiles have benefited from objective and reliable information on ASR.  We have grown to double the size of this site despite being much younger.  That didn't happen because people share your opinion.  It happened because they learned the information, modified their purchasing behavior, and are much happier for it.


I think he is just jealous of my "nodes" :)

You have no idea of your "nodes."  You are not understanding what Audyssey Pro software is showing you. It is not remotely what you think it is.  You are completely in the dark right now with respect to your room response post EQ.  Even pre-EQ, you don't know what you are looking at.

@amir_asr ,

sore loser

Audiogon Forum 1- ASR-0

If you want to win the game you gotta be in the game, post already.