At this level of high(er) end audio why not offer balanced connections?

I am curious - and please, save us all time, refrain from speculation on this - why do companies persist in omitting balanced connections when it comes to high / higher end audio products? 

I understand that when it comes to lower price point items manufacturers would not want the additional costs. But when many folks have higher end systems, why would an manufacturer not offer balanced connections? 

Appreciate those with non-speculation replies. 



Have you considered that by posting as you have here in the forum, you are literally looking for a needle in a haystack?

Your post is asking why some companies don't offer XLR on their high end products. You ask that no one speculate.  Twice.

So, really the only person or people you are asking to respond would be THE person or team member responsible for overall product development at an audio company that doesn't offer XLR who actually knows the reason they chose not to.  

And you think that person or people are reading this message of yours in the forum and willing to share their decision matrix?  I don't think so.

I suggest you'd be far better off posting in a companies forum if they had one, or getting direct communication from the company you wish had those options.

For example... if you had a question for Bryston, in the AudioCircle forum, there is a Bryston sub-group, and the key players in Bryston do participate in discussions. That sort of format is likely to yield answers that are not speculation, not a public forum like this.  Just my 02.

My experience with balanced through the preamp was a positive one

 There have been some good posts on this as to why there is value in going balanced as well the contrary. Having gone to single ended some factors have improved due to upgraded components. Can't deny something was lost though. 

Moving forward if I happen to revamp  I'll be going back to an all balanced with each component being true balanced. Reduction of IMD and common mode noise reduction just lowers the noise floor. Let's the music through

 There is just something about that blacker background that's seductive. JMO