TW Acustic Raven AC Owners with 3-4 arms

I have a Raven AC  with (2) arms on the two back posts, the second arm was simple enough to add but I want to add a 3rd arm to the front right post which is above one of the (3) footers. How do you get the cap off? The cap screws/unscrews in either direction for a few turns but then stops. Do I need to break the table down completely to get the cap and footer off? Seems like it should be so simple but I obviously don't want to break my table either.

Any TW owners with 3-4 arms have any advice/insight?




You must remove the bottom corresponding section that holds the footer,  then the top section will unthread from the plinth.



Thanks a ton for the quick response. But how do I do that if the table is sitting on my rack? Do I need to take off the (2) arms and the platter first?


No need in my experience. Find a few soft cover books or fold a towel on top of a hard cover book to protect the plinth from scratching and lift the front of the table put the books under the front high enough to unthread the side you want.