Tube Amp for Devore O/96

Hi everyone,

I'm wondering if anyone here has any experience with the Jadis  DA50S amplifier or the Conrad Johnson 62SE or 120SE, or have thoughts on these two amplifier manufacturers generally. I'm wondering particularly how these amps compare and if any of them would be an especially good match for Devore Fidelity O/96 speakers as I move from solid state to tube.



I haven't yet figured out how to quote a post so forgive me for not including your message in my response. 

I'm hoping to remain under $12k for my amplifier but would be willing to extend my budget for an especially good amplifier if it's not that much more. I'm getting the impression, however, that you might think the Jadis gives me the most bang for my buck?


I have taken into consideration what you said you are sonically looking for and the size/volume of your listening space. As noted previously, you’ve received some really commendable recommendations. I admittedly lean toward DHT-SET options.

However given your stated budget and various factors discussed in this thread I believe that the Jadis DA 50S is a very compelling amplifier for your room and Orangutan-96 speakers.

Ample power in class A.

Push-pull topology with the KT 120.

Highly respected brand that’s very solidly established.

Their components just seem to consistently produce beautifully engaging sound quality.
I don’t believe that you could go wrong with them. Again, I really like the New Audio Frontier DHT push-pull amplifiers but these are quite outside of the stated budget range.

The Conrad Johnson amplifiers are an excellent alternative. Just my opinion but I think the Jadis class A amplifier will yield more of that elusive sonic/musical “magic” (Totally a gut feeling). And, they are so aesthetically elegant.😊

if your listening space weren’t so open and large, I’d push more aggressively toward SET such as what @davehg has.
