Estate sale Fuselier speakers for $370 but I know nothing about them.

So I found these four Fuselier speakers for $370 at an estate sale. They look amazing and from everything I've seen around this forum the creator seemed to know what he was doing.  But I'm just getting into this hobby and I've come across these and I have no clue as to whether they are any good or whether they even work. Any thoughts on how I should proceed or steps I should take? Or should I just buy them and hope for the best? 


Here is a photo of them: 


Thanks so much.  


Taking an expensive receiver with you. Hook them up with a CD player and see how they sound.

fast freight, I do not have an expensive receiver. Or a receiver at all. I don't think the speakers even have cables coming out of them. 

+1 on dill's "Excellent!"!!  BTW the terminals to connect the speaker cables are underneath the speaker, not exposed on the back as with most speakers. There is a hole on the back side of the base to thread the cables through and the actual terminals are on the bottom of the cabinet, at least on the 3.0/3.3 pair.

As a former 3.3 owner I can say that, IMHO, given some good electronics and a good front end and cables the Fuseliers should provide you with the foundation of a very satisfying and enjoyable first system of your hopefully long audio journey!

Interesting, thanks for the info. I guess now that I think about it, there was nowhere for the wires to go in the speakers. The felt goes all the way around! While I have ya, I hope you don't mind if I hit you with a few more questions.


I am slightly confused about how I can find no photos of these ones exactly. I'm really curious about the center ones, since you remember yours (the ones on the outside if I'm understanding correctly). I'm slightly worried they may not be Fuseliers?


Unfortunately, the estate sale does not seem to have the amp or media unit to go with them, and as I've stated I'll be starting from the ground up here. Do you have any recommendations on what to go to get these going? Preferably on the budget side of things ... If you could even just point me in a direction that would be fantastic. 


And surely two of these massive speakers are enough, right? Was the previous owner really bumping all four of these? That seems like a copious amount of sound, ha. I may sell the middle (unidentifiable) two to my brother at a discount since I have no info on them as soon as I can confirm for myself they actually work.


Also, I just noticed you're on that OG thread linked earlier. Cool!