IFi Zen Stream with Qobuz

What is the best way to setup the ifi Zen Stream to work Qobuz? I would like to get 24/196 when available and also trying to find out if that’s possible with this setup. Most likely going to use a Denefrips Ares II in conjunction with the Zen Stream. 




Are the Zen Stream and your phone/iPad on the same Network? Also when doing the complete setup of the Zen Stream in the Stream App you have to press the save button in each section where you make a change.  Also make sure you have check for software updates.  Once you have the Zen Stream completely setup using the iFi app then see if the MConnect app will see it.  If not shut them both down and re-boot them both, Zen Stream first.  If you never used mConnect before there is an instruction guide on the companies website that I posted in another thread earlier about the app.  Also check out the Tips and Tricks thread at Headfi. In that thread there is a step by step guide to setup.  It needs to be done in order.


It is annoying that the Zen Stream doesn’t have good native Qobuz integration. Further, Tidal Connect is pretty flakey at the best of times.

Actually, it takes both iFi and Qobuz’s cooperation to create the ‘connect’ feature. iFi is more than willing, but it seems Qobuz is the one dragging their feet or not interested. Perhaps upset that the Zen Stream was released with Tidal integration from the start? Dunno.

I have no real issues with the Zen Stream and Tidal Connect. Works great.

I don’t stream enough to invest in Roon. Thus, for the time being, Tidal it is. Unfortunately, as I would like to try Qobuz, just don’t think I would like using the MConnect interface to do so. Using the Tidal interface works just great.

There's not Qobuz Connect for anything so it being iFi has nothing to do with it. If iFi want to have Qobuz integration they need to adopt an app that is compatible but that costs money they are not willing to spend.  There new Neo Stream is the same way.  iFi's app is based on an old version of Volumio which never supported Qobuz. 

I ended getting it to work and I changed nothing in the end. It just showed up under UPNP randomly at about the time I was going to give up. Sounds a fair amount better than my node. Lots of inner detail that I was missing. 

Thanks to everyone who helped my with this little project. Waiting on a few last parts (power supplies and usb cable) but so far I really like the detail I am now getting. Soundstage has also improved significantly :))