Chord M-Scaler and Should I Want One?

I have an Innuos Zenith Mk3 server/streamer feeding an Innuos PhoenixUSB reclocker, which feeds my Gryphon Diablo 300’s DAC module.  I am connecting these with Audioquest Diamond USB cords.  I love the sound of this combo. 

I know the Chord M-Scaler doesn’t support the max upsampling when connecting non-Chord DAC’s, but I’ve read in multiple places that it still makes a big improvement.

Are others using the M-Scaler with non-Chord DAC’s and if so what has your experience been?

As an aside I see the M-Scaler only allows for the tiny low-voltage power cord.  I find this surprising since I find that an aftermarket premium cord improves my Innuos USB reclocker very noticeably (but not as noticeably as using premium cords with my Innuos streamer). 




Here is the link to the Gryphon Diablo 300 integrated review where the reviewer describes his experience of how the Chord M-Scaler adds clarity focus and drive to the Gryphon DAC module’s more “live and energetic” presentation (which I love, but more clarity and focus and drive sounds good too).

Not seriously looking at going out and buying an M-Scaler immediately as I’m currently enjoying my recent upgrades, but I’m still curious after reading that review that I linked. And if I see a good deal on a well-cared for used one from a trustworthy seller, I might spring for one opportunistically.

I forgot to mention: I primarily listen to streamed tracks from Tidal HiFi, using Roon with my Innuos streamer. So that may play a part in whether an M-Scaler would make sense in my system?

I have the M-Scalar and use it with my Hugo TT2. With Chord’s included cables I didn’t really like the M-Scaler, but after adding two BNC Silver Dragon cables I noticed a significant improvement. I was using AQ Cinnamon Coax with BNC adapters each end before that. It looks like the Diablo 300 has BNC SPDIF inputs, so that could work well for you with your AQ Diamond into the M-Scaler. 

@rockrider, yes I was looking at using ONE of the Diablo’s SPDIF inputs, which I understand will work and improve things but it won’t upsample to the extent that it would with the dual BNC outputs used by Chord. The Diablo DAC has two SPDIF inputs but they are each for different input channels.  Given your experience I suppose it would be necessary to also use a premium SPDIF cable to get good results (sigh, cables!)

I see that Amir at Audiosciencereview has pooped all over the M-Scaler. Which is a pretty good indicator that it may be actually quite good!

If I were a HiFi product manufacturer I would list Audiosciencereview’s quote of “I cannot recommend this product!” As an endorsement of the product along with all the other positive review quotes! LOL, okay enough…..

Seriously though I think there’s enough positive consensus from reviewers and owners to suggest this piece offers some benefit.

I also see that this unit offers more “clarity” in many cases.  With my Innuos Zenith Mk3 and the PhoenixUSB reclocker, along with my Nordost Valhalla 2 speaker cables and B&W 802’s, my levels of clarity I believe are already quite high.  So I do wonder in my case if they M-Scaler could actually overdo the clarity in my system.