Cardas Clear Beyond XL PC

Is anyone using Cardas Clear Beyond XL Power cables for their systems?


How does this compare to Shunyata (Alpha, Sigma, Omega), Transparent, Nordost, Audioquest?




Triode Wire Labs offers very musical PCs, and since they sell direct you might save $$$. If you get the Cardas Clear I’d order a TWL cord just to compare and see what you think, and they offer an in-home trial so it’s easy to compare. It’s impossible to predict which cables will work better in any given system for the lister’s personal tastes, so I’d try at least two or three for peace of mind if nothing else. Another very musical but nicely detailed Cable IME is Acoustic Zen, just to give you another potential option.  Best of luck!

Hello Audiogoners and getting to this thread a little late. Please note that the Cardas Clear Beyond XL that '' missioncooney '' mentioned in his thread is a much better cable than the Cardas Clear Beyond which is a pretty good power cable for the money. I have owned both and have all Cardas Clear Beyond cables and XL power cords in my system. Just thought I would point this out as the OP was looking at the XL which is a different power cord.