Reference 3A line updated

For those of you who follow Reference 3A, it seems that their entire line has been updated with:
A new, high tech, sound-absorbing finish called "Nextel."
A new, beryllium dome tweeter on all models, including the entry-level Dulcet.
Two new models, one called the Nefes, and a huge, 7-driver model called the Sena.
Hoping somebody out there going to Vega for THE Show next week can check out their room and report back.
The Ref 3A web site has had a nice redesign, too.
I wonder why the Veena, GV and Episode are the only speakers that aren't offered in that finish. It is ugly to be sure, but the performance of the 3A speakers is beyond reproach.

I wonder what that finish looks like in person. If it absorbs light the way it's supposed to, then it may not be so easy to photograph. Maybe the photos don't do it justice.
Anyone ever heard the Reference 3A La Suprema speakers?
Those were great speakers from the 90s.
I was in touch with Tash at Reference 3A earlier in the week and it turns out that upgrade parts (like the new, beryllium tweeter) are available to end-users to upgrade their speakers. So all is not lost if you decide to go the upgrade route, eventually. Don't get me wrong – your new speakers are wonderful as they are.