World's best small speaker?

I know this topic is VERY subjective, but I am curious as to the replies.
Is it the Magico Q1, Raidho D, SF Guarneri E, The new Wilson Duette ( has anyone actually heard these?) or another make/model. The TAD CR1 is a contender ( to some) BUT I think it really isn't that small. Thoughts?
There's no question about the little Silverlines, they're great, I've owned them. Just by chance I bought a pair of Tetra 120u's, they also deserve the best. Both very outstanding. Man, if I had choice...that's a tough one.

It's a little late for a comment, but l just bought a set of Accordos. I purchased them without hearing or seeing them in person. Let me tell you there everything l expected and more.there brilliant with the crossovers inside the stands,the looks,the solid walnut cabinets are exquisite. I love the way a silk tweeter and a cut paper midrange sound...l use them for near field listening. Mostly female vocals..piano.jazz l would describe them as having a very delicate, refined sound...there a personal speaker for only the finest recordings.....l think they could hang with the finest small speakers ever made...lf you like a hot tweeter and alot of punch these are not for you...lf you like seductive warm sound that makes you cry these will do it...

"Best" in Hi-Fi implies that the product has a lot of visibility, a lot of reviews and a lot of hype. Looking at the speakers above, I know that I'm not playing in the same league with my setup. The word "best" is an invitation to be dishonest with yourself. Do you get the best measuring speakers, the most expensive or the most engineered? Like someone already said, it's subjective and you have to get out there and listen. 

However, I have a similar experience as @vinnydabully with my tiny transmission line fullrange driver (Yeah this makes audiophiles cringe) bookshelf speakers from Poland (from a brand absolutely nobody cares for). And I also listen in near-field mostly. No crossover. I added a REL T5x sub for more bass performance. Am I really missing out compared to other speakers far more expensive? 


It's all what you popular audio reviewer said the Kef LS50 meta will go down as one of the most significant audio products ever produced...and l agree...l own a set...Trombone shorty sounds better on those than the Accordos....but play Diana Krall, no match...lve spent time with Borresen speakers, MBL, those things will do amazing things ..its what you like... I prefer the Accordos..l would describe them as modern old school at its best.....they have the most unique cabinet that only Franco Serbin could have created....there so attractive you could use them as a focal point in a room...IMO