Wireworld Eclipse 8 compared to Analysis Plus Solo Crystal


I've read many post about the characteristics of these two cables on Audigon, but one question is still unclear.

Would those who have used both say the Solo Crystal is a more detailed sounding cable than the Eclipse 8 or 7? Does one offer better transient response?

I would be switching from a set of Goertz Silver Sapphires, which are reviewed as a very detailed sounding interconnect, though I have never compared them directly to other interconnects.

Thanks, Drew Harty


I agree, nicely said. The cable companies that are most popular, aren't based on sound quality but marketing. That marketing keeps the product on the recommended component, editors choice, etc lists by changing the line up every few years even though it's not necessary from a technical view point. It is necessary though to stay on those lists.

Audioquest comes to mind. Somewhere I read that an Audioquest cable from the mid 90s was compared to a current model at the same price point adjusted for inflation. The mid-90s cable was preferred.

So great companies that don't play that game (Manley, Herron, ATC, Analysis Plus, Coda and the list goes on) now fly under the radar. Oh well...

Thought I'd chime back in since I have now acquired a pair of balanced Eclipse 8 interconnects. First, the old truism about system matching is definitely true here. I used them for some time in one spot, but needed to remove that component so I now have them connecting my SST Thoebe II pre to my Parasound A23+ amp. Hard to describe the comparison to the AP Solo Crystal cables since they are very close, but I would say the soundstage is slightly deeper with the Eclipses and a bit clearer and quieter. The Solo Crystals may project a slightly larger image, but all factors being equal the difference is noticeable, but not dramatic as is the case when compared to others. You may need to try both in your system to determine the best match. In mine, I'm going with the Eclipses, though I still have AP cables upstream on a couple of components.

I tried the Eclipse 8 rca and XLR in my setup last month and came away so impressed at the imaging ,tone depth and width and just the flat out ability to resolve complex passages without loosing a hint of top to bottom coherence ! I did send them back and back went in my Morrow Audio MA4 rca's (pure Harmony terminations) on my source and MA5 xlr's from preamp to amp. The Morrow's for years have taken on anything I've tried and while some may have done a few things better none rivaled their tone and harmonic structure until the Eclipse 8 which did what the Morrow's do best but with a more confident solidity to every note they touched. I figured I may as well head on up the Morrow line to the MA6 or perhaps even 7 but I just couldn't forget what I heard with the WW Eclipse 8's and so pondered the Silver Eclipse 8's thinking surely they can't be that much better? Long story short, they are! Out of the box the Eclipse 8's grabbed my attention and after 200hrs  I concluded perfect! But? I need to be sure. The Silver 8's out the box  for the first 50hrs where about to be returned! And a quick scramble back to the Morrow plan or Eclipse 8  but I said to myself perhaps they need the 100 plus to settle to show what they bring. Low and behold last night around the 72 hrs or so of constant playback from and usb stick left on repeat with the occasional Ayre irrational burn in disc I acquired last month the Silver 8's emerged and dare I say perfect! I still at minimum 300hrs total I like to give things a chance to gel with my setup but can tell you there staying in my setup.