Please share photos of your Vinyl cabinet/shelving

Just picked up this cool record cabinet. Mid Century. Looks custom built. Red glass front and back.
Top pops up on right side. Probably started life as a Hi-Fi console.

I bought some hairpin legs and strip LED lights for the interior.

Please share your unique record shelving/cabinets.
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@donlduck1 I was able to see them just by cutting and pasting the links. Are you tall enough to reach those shelves to remove LPs and CDs or is that primarily acting as storage but not constant access? There was probably a ladder or a stool in the room not pictured.

We have a ladder that works with the room.  We keep it in the media room closet (not pictured).  It helps that the albums are alphabetical by artist with only the classical section sorted independent and the rest of genres together.

donlduck, I like how clean it all looks. BTW, I'm a Disney artist by trade...I see you have a few pics of the mouse around your house.

Thanks 1111art.  I was in the film and video business for 50 years and we did both 3D and 2D animation along the way.  I became a Disney fan as a very young child mostly through the Comic Book stories of Carl Barks.  We had an ex Disney animator on staff for a while who worked there in the 40's and 50's.  He shared some animation drawings with me and at least one of them shows up on the wall.  I also collected many other items on my on, but as time marches on the time to let some of it find a new home looms large.  Same holds true of my audio obsession.  Things like a Quad preamp from the mid 70's.