Sub Confusion

I've decided to add a REL sub to my in-den 2-channel system. My room is 12'-0 x 15'-6 x 10'-0h with PMC Fact 12 speakers 3'-0 out from the short wall. I have GIF corner base traps (43"h) in the front corners. My integrated is a DarTZeel LHC-208, and my DAC is an Aqua Formula xhd rev 2. When I go to REL's website to match a sub to my speakers, they recommend a 212SX (at $4,999). For my space, these seems to be overkill. Why not a single S510 (at $2,749) or two T7X (at $1,099 each)? Or? My goal is not more base- I'm looking to free my PMCs from having to expend energy to produce sound below 80 Hz and increase depth. Looking for input from our members. Thanks


My room is much bigger with 15' ceilings. I have Zu Audio Dirty Weekends. I use one REL T7x. It is astonishing. Start low you can always add.

You could try HSU subs their 2 top of the line subs are reasonably priced and have both high level and low level inputs

You can email or contact REL customer support and speak to 1 of their technical support staff. They were most helpful when I was changing out my equipment and integrating my existing RELs. John Hunter and staff are true audio professionals. 

Iam looking into Audiokinesis SWARM sub system. according to some owners reviews they give the listeners to be immerse into the music.

@jayctoy I have not heard the "Swarm" but it appears to be a great plug and play solution that is reasonably priced.  You can use just about any sub to get that "immersive" experience, as long as you have them set up in a distributed bass array.  In my case, my distributed bass array, or "swarm" if you like, consists of two Rythmik subs and two SVS subs.  The Swarm is a nice option that I would have given serious consideration to if I had found out about it before I bought the subs I have.