Tweaking Cary SLP-98P F1 Preamp

As you know for SLP-98, the F1 mod is a significant improvement over the standard. I just bought one used and the stock 6SN7 tubes that come with it are horrible. So, I am waiting for WE6SN7 tubes for it. Until it arrives I want to ask people with experience with F1. I have Pass X350.5 amp driving Soundlab ESL speakers.

1. How good can it get with best tubes?
2. Some have recommended using NOS 6f8g/adapter instead of 6SN7, any thoughts?
3. After getting the best tubes, is it still worth it to direct-couple it? It is supposed to improve bass, dynamics....
Has anyone direct coupled their SLP98F1? I sent mine down to Cary for direct coupling. I used to think direct coupling meant removing the output capacitor, but it sounds like Cary takes out capacitors between the gain stages. Is this correct?

Not that much. I ended up selling it. I am now using Benchmark LA4, which is great.