Is there really a need for panel speakers in 2012

Traditional box speakers have become so good nowadays is there really a need for panel speakers in 2012?
I had to give up my Sound LAbs two years ago and am still in audio depression and withdrawls.

Tradional speakers are just that, "traditional", and all, imo sound like crap compaired to giant FULL RANGE electostats with the CORRECT amps.
On the contrary, I find many new box speakers to be only marginal and panel makers should continue sleeping well at night. I have had 3.6, 1.6 maggies, monitor and numerous floor standing speakers. All have some sttribute and limitation. My maggies took up less space than my Aerial 10 T, but I feel both made music. I find many modern speakers tilted up and less bloom than I prefer. Perhaps different amplification could remedy this but many rooms I visit at shows are on the hot side. Different tastes for different ears, Jallen
To clarify, my response is to the original question, not 6550C with who I agree with. JALLEN
Taters, conventional cones cannot reproduce the sound of an orchestra like panels can. Have you ever heard massed strings through a panel? That alone is a very good reason to have panels.