Current Pass integrateds?

Interested in hearing any experience you may have with the current Pass 

integrated amplifiers.  They are expensive, but I have had good success with 

this designers past products.  Thanks. 


I have the Int-25 and find it to be a very smooth, never etched, but gives the right amount of bite when called upon (like Miles' muted trumpet).  I've also had conversations with the folks at Pass labs regarding the sonic differences between the Int-250 and the Int-25. They agree that the midrange beauty of the Int-25 is special. However, the bigger amps are more extended on top and bottom. Tradeoffs.

I have the Int-250 which I use to power Wilson Sasha 2's and before them Maggie 3.7's...I am quite happy with my sound now  and what they did for the Mag. I have had them about 9 years without a problem. They can go quite loud if you need them to but clean and the sound never sounds stressed.

Can't say that I have been able to compare them in my system with others but I am not looking to change them. So I can't tell you how they sound compared to others but I am a happy camper (owner...)

Try the Audio Hungary I-50 or the I-20 amps or the Canor 2.11 intergrated units you will be surprised at a lot les $$$