Technics SL1210 MKII

I'm looking for a mid-level turntable and was wondering everyones thoughts on the Technics SL1210 MKII? I can't find enough comparisons on the internet to REGA or other brands to make a solid decision. I read this was actually designed to be used in homes before being used for DJ's.


Hi -

Have two systems - one with a Technics 1210 (Decware phono preamp; Prima Luna PL 5 power amp; and Musical Fidelity CD PRE 24 preamp) and the other with a Technics 1500 (Rogue Sphinx 3 integrated amp).  Both systems have Zu Audio speakers.

Both Technics TTs are as trouble free as you would want a TT to be.  Quiet.  Much attention was spent insuring a dead quiet motor.  The big thing for me is the bayonet cartridge mounting, so trying different cartridges is no big deal.  There are a few I swap around ... Hana EH MC; Ortofon Blue, and Audio Technica VM 540.

Important to me was having TTs from a brand with a reputation for longevity.  Also was very impressed with all the design and research considerations that went into the new Technics line.

In all honesty, no interest in a Rega TT, although I have had Rega amplifiers, CD players, and speakers in use over the years.

What are you using now for a TT?







Well worth considering. Easy to set up, very reliable, very good sound. Take a look at for repair and upgrades. One of my turntables is a 1600 MK2, basically the full auto version of the 1200 MK2. I added the KAB fluid damper and changed out the old tonearm wires. Both made significant improvements in the sound and brought the sound up to the level of much more expensive dec/arm combos.