CD Treatments :-

There are many of us who have attempted to glean the most detailed and analog sound from our discs. We have the cleaning solutions and formulations, lathe, Nespa, demagnetizer, ionic generator, intelligent chip and/or intelligent box, turquoise code tray liner....Are there some favorite combinations of any or all of these methods? I have a lathe, demagnetizer, intelligent chip, liquid rez, turquoise tray liner and an ion generator on its way...LOL...What else is one to do while presently resisting an upgraded cdp :-)
You seem to have most of the bases covered. :) I've owned, or still own, most of the items on your list. Some have worked quite well, some haven't. Surprisingly, I didn't have much luck with the ADS lathe, but my Jena/Liquid Rez CD treatments, Nespa, Walker Talisman, and Acoustic Revive ion generator all work extremely well, building on one another's strengths. If all of your tweaks work for you, then by all means keep doing all of them. I haven't found any magical "combos." If a tweak works, and if it doesn't negatively impact another, I use it. Doing all this tweaking can be a real time-consumer, but there's no doubt in my mind that it can totally transform one's music.
Hooper: I have owned my lathe for ~ 2 years and, after receiving a model out of a batch of faulty lathes, I lost the nerve and its replacement has sat idle. The two discs that I successfully cut sounded very relaxed and analog like. I don't think a well functioning lathe will do possible long term damage, but the time involved, together with any uncertainty, has put it on a back burner. You are not the first person to hear little benefit. I will look into the Talisman. I had forgotten to mention Marigo mats, the Herbies assortment...(need to try the black hole) Do you have a preference between Jena and Liquid Rez? I know of a few ppl who do not like the Rez, Nespa, Lathe combo. They prefer the Rez with either one alone. I guess it is time to duplicate and test for myself. Glad to hear you like the ion generator. It calms my buyer's remorse...LOL

I actually had similar problems with my lathe, which, along with the relative lack of benefit, is why I stopped using it. The first one I had started leaving light scratches at the perpiphery of all mys discs. I tried EVERYTHING (tightening/loosening the bolt, chaging belts and blades, varying the pressure with which I applied the blade), all to no avail. I then concluded that it must be my unit, so I swapped it out for a brand-new one. Same problem. That was when I stopped using it. And I haven't looked back. I'm getting most of the same benefits from treating the edges with my Jena or Liquid Rez and then doing the black-marker thing.

The Talisman is a no-brainer, IMO. It's considerably better than my old Furutech RD-2--and a lot easier to use--and what it does to the bass really has to be heard.

For $5, the Black Hole is another easy choice. To my amazement, it actually bested my $199 Marigo mat. But, like most tweaks, these CD mats are so system dependent, one person's success with them doesn't guarantee another's.

I SLIGHTLY prefer the Jena to the Liquid Rez--it brings out a little more texture and dimensionality in voices and instruments--but there are some SACDs (the pale-gold-tinted ones, not MFSLs) that the Jena causes severe splotching on. Those are the ones I use the Rez with. Honestly, at this level, it comes down to personal preference. You can't lose either way. Both are absolutely SOTA.

Believe me, I also had SERIOUS buyer's remorse when I first ordered the ion generator! But I got it on the condition that I could return it if I didn't like it. Suffice it to say, it's not going back. :)