Class D Integrated Amplifier Recommendations.

Just curious to peoples experiences with current batch of Class D Integrated Amps available today.

I have been unimpressed with the offerings from NAD and find the Technics model's  lack soul. 

Trying to stay under $5,000.00

Thank you for any insight, recommendations. 




@nonoise No sir never had it in my system just a demo at a local dealer and was so un impressed I had no interest in an in home audition. Was a complete Technics system, Speakers, Integrated and CD.

No rub just not for me.

@juanmanuelfangioii you stated "Looking for Class D Integrated Amps" after my post, was that in response? The S2 is an integrated D class amp


@waorwraith no no not at all. Some folks are making recommendations of  AGD and others that re power amps. Sorry for the confusion. 

I've not heard it (most haven't) but the forthcoming Rose RA180 looks interesting in the GAN class D category.

I realize the looks can be polarizing, and evil tone controls, but it looks to be an extremely flexible unit.