Ridiculous sale

Somebody is selling a Decware that sells at 2600 $ direct from the manufacturer for 4500 $ citing tha t you can pay that if you want to wait a year. This is a disgrace in Audiogon. Also TMR sales require you to go to their website and look for the product for information. Unfortunately the hobbiest mentality that predominated Audiogon Is being replaced by these dry, unfear actions and styles. What a shame.


How often do you see decware amps on the used market? It seems most buyers don't end up selling them. If so, it's rarity + wait, not just wait. Could be wrong, but I looked for used before I gave in and got on the list. Maybe that's just my experience.

I live near TMR in Colorado.  I offered to sell it my 80s vintage Klipsch Cornerhorns with Crites drivers. It offered $800.  I sold them in one day off of Craigslist for $2500.  Apparently TMR is in the “profit” game. I do like it’s website.  Pretty pictures.  Use it as a catalog and then find the product elsewhere. 

@colorado2017 and why else would TMR be in business? Why do you work? That was a darn silly post. No really you should dwell on it and think about all those pretty pictures and costs associated in running that business at TMR. Yes they are all about making a profit.

Nice first post. Welcome to the jungle.

I don’t begrudge TMR.  If a buyer doesn’t want to pay the price, look elsewhere. Running any kind of business is a bitch. I replaced the Cornerhorns with Ohm Walsh Micro Talls for my little corner in the basement. Sweet sound. When my Quicksilvers come back from repairs, I think it will be a nice match.  The Ohms are built to a price point. A bit lightweight. But the design is clever and the midrange is sweet. I am too old for big bass. I prefer great midrange. Which is why I fancied some Spendors. Great midrange. Anyway, the Ohms are good for a man cave. I was prompted to buy them because they are made in America, and because the Bosch character on cable has a pair, and someone told me I look like Titus Welliver. 

Paying a premium for the opportunity to avoid waiting is an everyday thing. Try booking a flight for the same day and you will pay the highest convenience premium you'll ever see. If you can afford convenience, there's no problem. I wouldn't do it, and I think it's silly to pay more than retail, but that's an individual choice.