Just curious if the AMR CD-77 has made it to the dealers yet?
I am very curious about this player.
Does anyone know where I can go demo it in NY?
Thanks for your thoughts. Could you give us more detail as to which CD players that you have owned or heard in which you are comparing the CD77? Could you also mention what comprises the rest of your system?
The other CD players worth comparing are the orignal emm combo, CDSD/DCC2. and the Reimyo CD 777.The first I had in my system for 2 years.The second I had on loan for 3 weeks.You may read my comments above.
My equipment consists of: ASR Emitter ll exclusive. Kharma 3.2 sub and speakers. Kubala Sosna emotion interconnects and speaker cables. Electraglide a/c cables.etc
Another three weeks have passed... anyone else take delivery of this player?

Any other thoughts on performance?
You've got a lovefest happening over in another thread: