Who Is An Expert On Acutex Cartridges?

I am curious. What happened to the company? Did the 320 III LPM or the 320 III STR come first? I also know of a 420 STR. Where are they now?

After reading some of the Lenco Heaven thread, I was thinking about the lightest tonearm I have. So I installed the LPM320 in the RS Labs arm on JVC TT-81 in custom plinth with VTF at 1.6g. Now that it's burned in, it presents a wide soundstage and engaging level of nuance and detail. I have noticed some emphasis on string/plectrum contact, that seems to be a signature of MMs/MIs vs. MCs. Maybe I just have a MC bias that it doesn't belong there.

I own an RS labs RSA1 tonearm, but I have never used it with such a high compliance cartridge. I have no idea of its effective mass. Just from the looks of the construction I would imagine the effective mass is fairly high or certainly medium or higher. Do you have any data? And of course if the combination sounds good, it is good. That is my philosophy. As to the bit about string detail, I don’t know how you would define too much detail. I am not afraid to admit that I prefer a well set up LPM 320 or a B &OMMC1 to most of my low output moving coil cartridges, with the possible exception of the Ortofon MC 2000.

I have no specs on the effective mass of the RS Labs arm. but the arm tube seems less massive than the SME3012R, for instance, at 12g (plus headshell, of course).

As for the emphasis on plectrum strokes, it's just something I notice more on MMs or MIs than on MCs. More a matter of preference than too much or too little.

Was thinking that since the headshell is decoupled, the effective mass might be lower than what is otherwise apparent.