Gallo Stradas vs. Merlin TSM-MXRs

I know this is a weird question, but I have an opportunity to purchase either Gallo Stradas or Merlin TSM-MXRs, but do not have the opportunity to hear them. The Merlins are about $700 more, which I don't mind paying if they are superior. Both would be paired with a small sub for a music-only second system. Amp is a Bel Canto ref500s. The room (my office) has terrible room treatment (hardwood floors, blank plaster over masonry walls, hard modern furniture, tall ceilings- and I don't want to add much in the way of room treatment for aesthetic reasons). I listen to a very wide variety of music - but mostly indie rock and jazz, at low to moderate levels.

Thoughts? I will be replacing Meadowlark Kestrel Hot Rods.
For an office system you might consider the new Dynaudio xeo 3. Its a powered speaker with built in dac and wireless so no speaker cables to deal with. I replaced a big rack of gear with a set of these in my bedroom and I couldn't be happier. They seriously rock and are very smooth. If the idea of a clean uncluttered system appeals then these would be a great choice. I've had lots of gear over the years and these are really something special.
I already have a Bel Canto amp and Wadia DAC that I'm quite happy with, but thanks for the suggestion.
Just recieved new TSM-MMM's and could not be happier. Dont know what you are looking for...but for me they are perfect. I had Focals that i tried to make work for too long. They took away my constant desire to change something or go to another song.
Just as a footnote...I have them on a modest system.
100.00 Sony dvd player
H/K citation 16 amp
Thor ta-1000

I'd be reluctant to comment decisively on your "what if?" since my biggest issue with the Gallo was that -IMHO - it absolutely needed a subwoofer.

I'd estimate that - in the room that I heard 'em - the TSM provided close to a full octave in additional bass extension. That delta gave the TSM a reasonably satisfying octave to octave balance, while the Gallo came up short. That overwhelmed all other differences for me, particularly because both speakers sounded so very good in all other respects to my ear.

I never heard the Strada set up with a sub, so I can't really offer a judgement, other than to say that I would PRESUME that it would be more satisfying with a subwoofer (provided that it was a good subwoofer, well matched to the Strada, and properly set up). In the end, however, that's just a presumption.

Incidentally, the Merlin might benefit from a well set up sub, as well, it's just that it's less critical than with the Gallo. I'd guess that it would be a much closer call for me were I comparing these two with subs on line, but - again - that's just a guess.
