most beautiful (looking) speakers

yes no


@manogolf also remember to avoid http links, use https. I made that mistake and now the image won't be shown to some people. Depends on their browser settings.

Here is an https linked image of the Bayz Courante.



I have both those Legacys in my system. Along with Focus Se's , a Marquee Center and 4 of their Foundation Subs.. Here is the Center..   


Legacy Audio Marquis XD Center Channel Speaker (Standard Finishes)



That's a very fine center. Does it never come with a grille? I don't see any photos of one online.

FWIW I own neither Phantom nor the Nautilus. The Phantoms, do they punch precisely? Everybody always talks about surround diffusion, but even with dipoles I locate everything exactly (my preference), and one thing I consider a must is precise bass impact when things fly overhead. Unless that is your gear is employed for multichannel music.

On topic I do like that Tekton offers colorful options, some of which come out almost ceramic in appearance.