Can a Amp be "timeless" and compete with todays amps?

I’ve been into hi resolution audio for 20+ years, well longer than that but acquired high quality gear about that time. I veered off into other interests for 15 years but still had my system sitting idle in it’s dedicated room. I became interested in it again 6 months ago and began to update it. I still have my Rega Planar 25 table and a Dragon phono stage.  I retained my CEC TL1 transport, but replaced my DAC with a Dinafrips Venus II, I also have the Hermes DDC which I feed my CEC into as well as my Cambridge Streamer. I sold my Genesis V speakers because they were having an issue with the left channel bass and since they were out of business I had no way to fix them, it was over my head. I found someone that wanted them and was willing to repair them himself. (he is very happy with them) I replaced them with some Goldenear Triton 1.r’s which I love. So here is the nostalgia part. I still have my VAC Cla 1 Mk II pre amp and my VAC Renaissance 70/70 Mk II amp. I feel they still hold up well sonically, so my thoughts are to send them both to VAC for the Mk III updates this fall of 2022, which includes replacing any necessary parts and "voicing" them back to new as intended when they were first made. I really believe these pieces are worthy of the restoration, are newer pieces today really going to make much headway? I cannot afford to replace these items with "like" items as I am retired and the discretionary income isn’t there anymore. I just feel like they are still really good and offer a very high quality sound. I mean 8- 300 B tubes can’t be all that bad can they? I’ve voiced the pre amp with with Telefunken 12AX7’s and I have a small stash of them. Tube sound is still great right?


I agree too because he know what he is talking about ...

We cannot reduce technology progress to embellishment only for sure...



I would sincerely suggest to the OP to listen to an example of a modern high negative feedback solid state amplifier as described above and compare its sound quality to the Renaissance 70/70 and be your own judge. I’m not convinced that the "modern " high feedback would be  superior sounding. Hard to know which you will find musically preferable without an actual listening experience.


Aberyclark: is spot on. IMPE I have stayed with "Vintage" High End equipment. Re cap and re tube. In some cases will provide todays equipment with a respectable comparison .

So based on Atmasphere's response with "SS low feedback" designs being superior, does the Peachtree Audio Gan400 qualify as an amplifier that fulfills this description?

agree with @charles1dad

modern amps have technological advancements which allow them to reproduce sound and interact with speakers differently (and perhaps measureably better) than older amps, and especially tube amps where impedance match with driven loads can be highly variable... all this said, what combinations of amp and speaker, modern or aged, and what sound quality and character would be produced for the owner trying to enjoy music is still subjectively determined...

some modern super low distortion amps can produce a somewhat harmonically lean, clean-white, antiseptic kind of sound that may be not be favored by listeners used to a more saturated, rich, bloomy type of sound that some tube amps deliver... all subjective in this hobby, which is what makes it all the more fun...