Vandersteen Speakers.. Are All Other Speaker Makers Doing It Wrong ?

Never listened to Vandersteen speakers but I will go listen to them now


Don't let this thread degenerate into 'speakers I like'.

OP made a suggestion that is false.  There are many speaker manufacturers 'doing it right'.  Indeed some people don't like the Vandersteen house sound that can be described as idiosyncratic.

That should be the end of this thread.

That should be the end of this thread.

^Nice effort^

We could list the ones that have it right.
Dunlavy, Quad, Spika, Theil, Vandys (and maybe a few others.)

I saw a JBL job that had a stunning step function response, and knowing which are flipped and not text book is rare to see advertised by the manufacturer. So when they do not show it, then we must assume it could be dire.


@ditusa did you drive to Alabama recently?


"i have both vandies and thiels, the babies of each family. the vandies, even the smallest models, NEED a LARGE listening room, the dealer’s listening room was about 20’ by 40’, they sounded as designed in that large space [holographic imaging, on the mellow side of neutral]. but if you are in a small room, they lose their imaging magic and become boxy and very shouty around the crossover point."

While I think the Vandies could benefit from larger spaces, I don’t think they lose their imaging ability in small spaces. I’ve had/ have Vandy 1ci’s and Treos in my small 11’ x 13’ room and both image QUITE well. After taking out half of my room treatments and the huge rug on the floor, my Treos are now doing that magical disappearing act.

I really think that Richard V. is correct when he states that most people over treat their room. We need some of those reflections to provide our ears with the cues that give us information about the space we are listening in.

Now back to our regularly scheduled program.

I have Thiel CS5s and Vandy 2CES, 3As, and 2CE Sigs. I also have a variety of other speakers including some from Klipsch. I would struggle to say any speaker company has an exclusive on “right”, because everyone of us would define that word differently. I most likely am not an audiophile because I want the music to sound stunning, whether “right”or not. I want the chord pluck to give me shivers.