From Benz to?

I've been on a Benz ride for the last few years, having owned and enjoyed the Wood SL, then the Gullwing SLR and my current Benz LPS, which I love (and has been retipped a couple times).  I find the Benz sound to be superbly balanced, leaning just to the warm side, with no apparent loss of detail.  Prior to Benz I had a Lyra Delos and a Clearudio MC (among a couple other ones.. Shelter 501?).  I even experimented with vintage MMs (Stanton 981 and Grace Ruby F8) on my Tracer tonearm (which is fairly low mass at ~9-10g) but went straight back to the LPS, cause it sounded more satisfying.  For those who have moved on from Benz to another cart and enjoyed the switch, are there any suggestions in the same sonic style of Benz, just perhaps a bit more treble refinement?   FWIW I detest treble tipped up cartridges.   One thing I've noticed is that Benz have a large stereo separation (and measures as such, >35dB), which helps (IMO) lead to a large soundstage.  Benz just hit all the buttons for me, but I'm feeling a desire to change, just to try something different. I've never tried Dynavector. Are they worth a shot, or are they completely different vs the Benz sound signature? 




Thanks, is it a general rule of thumb that cartridges with lower internal impedances are more optimally matched to SUTs than those with higher impedances? There is quite an impedance difference between the Ebony (~8ohms) vs the 38 ohms LPS. Never noticed that before. Still I’m impressed how well the LPs fares with the Zestos at 1000ohms (this is max for MC on the Zestos), even though this whole time I haven’t been running it optimally. I think it’s pretty obvious I’m a set it and forget it sort of guy and probably should look into this a bit more...

1. Lots has been written about LPS | SUT mismatching/incompability, you may Google...

2. I doubt XV1-S can touch Ebony L in performance, and since you like the LPS then L will sound similar but better with your phono.

3. Consider demoing & buying an ’active’ phono and keeping the LPS.

4. The Ebony L costs $2k NIB for the last few years from a seller on Audiigon, all carts that may better its performance cost much more than that.

Personally, I preferred an XV-1S to the LPS. I found the LPS very coloured with a very distinctive voicing. The XV-1S is still on the warmer side of neutral but is faster and more dynamic, and less coloured. It also matches well with an SUT.

But like others earlier in the thread, I sold my LPS and XV-1S (and my earlier Lyras - Delos and Etna SL) and went in the direction of Ortofon. I have the Cadenza Black, Bronze, Windfeld Ti and Jubilee. All are great, the best tracking cartridges I have used, without the colourations of the wood bodied cartridges, neutral and yet musical and dynamic. The Windfeld Ti is excellent if your phono stage can cope with the very low output. But personally, my favourite is  the older MC Jubilee, which I bought new from Ortofon last year as part of their "Treasure Trove" release of re-built cartridges.

FWIW The LPS sounds much better through the Zestos vs the active SS Pass XP15 that preceded it but that may be a function of how well the Zestos is designed, and its tubes.  Thanks to all for your suggestions!

I too like Ortofon Cartridges, there is a family sound and the Jubilee and Windfeld are both Flagship models and have been the Cart's with proportions of their technologies that have trickled down to the Kontrapunkt and Cadenza ranges.

The Windfeld Ti is a little on its own, as it has not got a range born from it, but I am hoping the Verismo, with new technologies on board, might end up with a trickle down range to share proportions of the used technologies, maybe the Cantata Range is to be released to the masses.

I also am familiar with a Miyajima Cartridge used on a Glanz Arm in a friends system, I am always very impressed with this set up, recently when demonstrated with a perfect matched SUT, the ease of the presentation along with the usual qualities was mind bogglingly good.