Oppo DV980H Audio Quality

Wondering if any local audiophiles have had a chance to review the Oppo DV980H from strictly an audio perspective (plenty of video reviews available)? Supposed to be improved audio over the other Oppos. Interested in CD redbook, SACD, DVD-A & HDCD playback quality. As a reference, I have a Sony DVP 9000ES now.

Also, any feedback on Oppo mods will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance. I know there are many others also interested in the Oppos.
I just sold mine. Bought a Blue Ray player. The Oppo 980 is a great video player, but nothing special with audio. My old Toshiba SD-9200 was so much better. Not even close. Even the new Sony blue ray sounds much better to me. The Oppo sounded like most cheap dvd players, very thin. But I bought mine for video.
Hifidreams, The 980 just came out and you have already sold it? Why didn't you just return it to Oppo? My Oppo 981 gave me a better picture and comparable sound to my sony 9100es so the sony got sold.
It was the 981 I had. Didn't know they had a new one. But I still didn't think the audio wasn't anything special at all. The video is some of the best I have seen, but the audio was about the same as an old Onkyo dvd changer I have. And it still looks like the 981 is there top model.
I have the DV981HD and a Denon 2900...I prefer the sound on the Denon by a longshot...thin, especially on the low end of the spectrum and slightly brittle at the upper end. The Denon sounds livelier and more natural than the Oppo for me.

Now that said, the 981HD is easily the best picture I have had in my system...simply a great combo with non HD or BluRay DVDs
I think this unit was recently reviewed in Stereophile. Conclusion was the player was ok but it improved dramatically when used as a transport. Perhaps it could be used as a DVD player/CD transport with an addon DAC ?