D'Agostino Progression Integrated Amp

Anyone had any experience with this model they can comment on?

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I have the Progression Integrated driving Wilson Sabrina speakers. I had a Pass Labs INT-150. I asked several non-audiophile friends over to listen to a comparison between the Progression and the Pass. It took us about 5 minutes of comparison to unanimously agree that the Progression was far better than the Pass in every audiophile parameter. I could not "unhear" the difference, so I bought the Progression. Sources were dCS Bartok for digital, and my analog system (see my Virtual System), The better SQ was obvious over all music genres. Moral: don't listen to a piece of equipment that can transform your listening experience unless you are 1) ready and able to buy it, or 2) you are listening to a ridiculously expensive piece of equipment at a show or at an audio salon and there is no way on this earth you could buy it. Listening at home causes you to be able to hear exactly what you will be hearing every time you sit down to enjoy the music, and you can't "unhear" that glorious music that elicits all that emotion that great performances beautifully rendered can produce.Anyway, this is not news to any of you, but I'm just saying: be careful out there!

@bruce_1 Have you by chance compared the Progression Int to the Pass point 8 series like the Int250 or separates like XP22/X350.8?….or the Gryphon Diablo 300?

I have heard that the Prog Int is a very good match with Magnepans.