Your method for discovering great music.

I'm in a slump. It has been a while since I've discovered new music that I really like. And when I say "new" I mean new to me. Maybe even rediscovered would count as new.

I do not have a method. I usually stumble into new music that I like. I also don't have loads of hours to sort through tons of stuff I don't like. Plus I find that random sort of pursuit to be frustrating and unrewarding most of the time.

Amazon Music had half decent 'recommended for you' lists but I don't recall if that ever paid off. I use Qobuz now which sucks in that particular department.

I've found a few bands that I like from recommendations here at Audiogon but I have not been here much lately.

So I'm curious as to how some of you approach that search for great music that is either actually new, new to you or rediscovered.


OK sounds random, but give it a try.  Find a very popular song that has many artists singing their own rendition,  for example, "Mr, Bo jangles "then search for that song. Then listen to how each artist sings the song.  I discovered Philip Browne yesterday.  He is amazing.  Enjoy!


 just because your musical horizons are constrained doesn't mean everyone else is challenged in the same manner..

On my Qobuz trial discovered

Welcome to the Black Forest (The Sounds of MPS) this album sounds fantastic and led me to a lot of great recordings


I stream a song I like and then let the music server's artificial intelligence continue playing similar songs.  When I hear one that I like I save it.