Looking for warm tube preamp (should pair well with Pass power amp), budget $6000

Right now I have an ARC ref5se and its nice but looking for something of similar quality but warmer (maybe Vac, CJ or something you think will fit well). Looking for smooth sound, full mid range.



PS Audio       BHK Signature Preamp.  $6600 new......$3500 used.

Buy it & don't look back.

Thanks so much guys for your many suggestions really appreciate it.


@fertguy  Did you find bhk sig pre to be a warm pre? From what i read its more neutral?

@erik_squires My understanding are the pass pre amps are fairly neutral sounding and of course SS so will lose out some of the staging properties of tube preamps.

@audioman58 Messaged don today. Definitely something im considering or maybe build the sp14 kit its based on. Not sure if his preamp is warm / rich.

@pesky_wabbit I'll look into that. I also heard changing the 6550 tube to Tung Sol from the sovtek leads to a much warmer sound. Going to find a Tung sol off ebay.

@ghdprentice @runwell  Interesting. Definitely didn't think of that. I wanted the power since my speakers are really not sensitive but ARC amps might work well. Are ARC amps more neutral and natural sounding rather than bloomy and wet?

@hilde45 Yup its not just tubes, the caps, circuit design, chokes etc can impact the tonal quality.

@rocray @cmach  Is Aric's gear warm sounding?

It was good until I put in a set of 1966 I think..

Telefunken,Mullard, Amperex,  Siemens in 12AU7. That really warmed it up