Supratek Owners Thread

Greetings All - 
It appears that the 26-million-plus view, multi-decade "Preamp Deal of the Century" Supratek thread has been removed. I'm not sure why, but suppose there must be a reasonable explanation.
In any case, on that thread I recently asked whether there might be interest in a "Supratek owners thread" and received some interest. 
The purpose of this thread is for Supratek owners to share the details of their system, ask questions, share information about any tube-rolling they have done, and so forth.
I'll kick us off here with a few details about my system -
ancient Linn LP12 with Ittok arm, Dynavector 17D3 cartridge into Cortese LCR phono stage
Power amp is a fully serviced Innersound Electrostatic amplifier
Quad ESL63 speakers (not USA monitors) or JBL 4430 studio monitors
Digital sources are immature and evolving - ancient Fostex CR300 cd player/burner
DacMagic 100 DAC
Nordost Blue Heaven 75ohm interconnect
Due to the fairly long lengths of speaker wire required in the new listening room, speaker wire is Belden 12 gauge wire designed for low-voltage outdoor lighting systems. 
Next steps - dedicated circuit, new power cords, new interconnects, new wires.

After A few weeks of reading and researching and emailing back and forth with Mike,I placed an order for A Cortese! I wanted an all in one preamp like my Marantz. Now the waiting begins, going to be a Long few months.

Congratulations @skypop . This should be a big upgrade. You can spend some of the waiting time reading about tubes. 



Thanks @aldnorab my marantz sounds great,always wanted to hear a Preamp using 6sn7 tubes with balenced outs. Wasn't interested in Schitt audio Freya+,so this will help to not use my Marantz 7 all of the time. 

I have been trying out a lot of different tubes in my Cabernet, ranging from RCA 12sx7, TS round plate, 6f8g from Sylvania and Raytheon, Sylvania "bad boys", 7n7, etc. 

My tube rolling mania got the better if me and I bought some adapters that allow me to use a pair of *j5 instead of a single *sn7. Got them from a guy in Bulgaria that does great work.

Anyway, started with some Sylvania 12j5gt with round plates. Wow! There is a level of clarity and openness now that I hadn't heard before. Trawling through some forums it sounds like even the inexpensive metal version sound great.

So if you'd like to try upping your tube rolling game without breaking the bank, try some 6j5 tubes! I also highly recommend getting Mick to install a 12v option on your preamp if you order one. It opens up a lot of possibilities. 

Can someone measure the dimensions of the power supply for the Cortese? I need to make a shelf for the power supply, my rack is full. Just a shelf for the preamp itself. Thanks for any help.