Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!



David Garretson is the Man for all things ClarityCap.


Happy Listening!

Beetle and Rob - In my conversations with DG, the CMR thing was problematic in that in some ways the PUR (CSA with thick end caps) outperformed the CMR. Dave was instrumental in pushing CC to develop the PUR+, which is a CMR with thick end caps. FInalization and pricing has taken forever. I'll get that pricing and post some examples here for reference.

in some ways the PUR (CSA with thick end caps) outperformed the CMR

Seems like Madisound and PartsConnexion will want to sell most of their current stock of CSA and CMR before investing in PUR. Might be a while before we see PUR at these outlets.

Crap, I’m feeling a twinge of audiophile nervosa. LOL. Hard to imagine I can get much more out of these 2.4s but that’s also what I thought before the upgrades to my Ayre electronics.

Relax Beetle - let us work through the permutations with apples to apples comparisons. When the smoke settles and the fog lifts we might see some place for some PUR caps, but you're sitting pretty till that time. Spin some tunes with your wife. 

@those planning an upgrade of the 2.4. I've been in extensive talks with Clarity Caps and after harassing them (😬😬) I've got them willing to do a smaller batch of teen pieces rasch of the 14 uF and the 28 uF caps. The 14 will come in 630 VDC and the 28 will come in 250 vdc. 

The prices of the caps per piece, ex. VAT and shipping will come to:

PUR 14UH630V X 10 @ €165.00

PUR 28UH250V X 10 @ €142.50

This would mean 330 + 285 = 615 €  (677 $ / 516£) for the set.

I'm in, I've got one potential buyer who I'll be PM-IMG in a minute.

I need three more people willing to jump on the wagon..


PM me
