Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

Showing 29 responses by pieper1973


Im new here, have posted some posts on another thread, but no one there..

I am the owner of a Thiel collection for home cinema..

I have two Thiels 2.4 which are going to be upgraded to SE, but I'm not quite sure on what for brand capacitor/ coils.. Miflex (kpcu) or Duelund..

But before it get around to them I'm going to replace the resistances on my four SCS3-N coax speakers with mills.

And I've just ordered four SCS coax units from Rob Gillum which makes a total of five.. I've just ordered resistances for all these speakers (mills) and the coils (in all my own built speakers I only have copper foil coils from Mundorf) and the center speaker will be fitted with clarity caps and the other four, for Dolby Atmos, with Mundorf.. 

And then there's the subwoofer... Thiel TSW 12.1.. 

I'll post some pictures when I'm done..


Just a question on the 2.4 upgrade to SE.. is it preferable to use a single capacitor with 14 and 28 uF (when I go for Duelund, I'll be ordering these values if that would be better..) or the combinations of 13+1 and 27+1, like it is now. And if I go for 14 instead of 13+1, would I have to change anything else (coils/ conductance or resistance values)?


Have a nice day






My serial number on the two 2.4's: 253

Music taste... About everything. As in writing this in listening to Mozart.

I bet much like Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Joe Bonamassa, symphonies.. I'm not so much a liver of piano music, is rather hear violin, cello or oboe. Jazz.. older from Evans I really like (even if it is with quite a lot of piano).. 

My system at the moment had been thinned out, because I needed the money for the Atmos upgrade: the four SCS from Rob, all the components to build the XO's and the cabinets.. I also had to expand my amplifier section: I have the Arcam AVR 850 for a couple of years now for cinema and have recently bought the accompanying Arcam AVR P429 to power the SCS's..

I should my Omtec system (I'm not sure if this brand is known outside Germany, but over here they are very highly regarded under enthusiasts). I sold my two mono blocks, the pre-amp and the phono pre-amp (which is really loved and which I hadn't planned on selling.. somebody in eBay asked if somebody had one and I said yes.. which leaves me now on the search for a phono pre-amp; and there I have my eyes set on an amp which you have to build yourself, and is apparently very good. This comes down to the same thing as building your own speakers or at least upgrading the components where possible.. To be bought @ 

So I'm not gonna be listening to my records for a while to come.

My record player is a Linn LP12 with an external lingo 4 power supply, Tiger paw sub Chassis, under plate Foundation and to plate Orpheus both from Vinyl Passion also replaced.. I have a Naim ARO with a Dynavector XX 2, MK.II.

Planned is a Creek Voyager i20. I used to have the destiny 2, before I sold that to buy the Arcam.. the Arcam does a great job of producing a lot of sound for home cinema ( I could have opted to buy a newer home theater system, but none in my price range have the sheer power which the Arcam produces.. and I need a monster to drive all these Thiels ☺️), but for good stereo reproduction or sucks. I need a dedicated amplifier for this.. hence the Creek... 

Further I have an Oppo 203, Arcam CDS27 SACD Player and Arcam rHead amplifier for my Sony mdr1000 and AKG K702 headphones and za Denon DCD-2500NE SACD Player.



I've made four of these one point coherent speakers (nothing as fancy as in the pictures though) with the Thiel SCS3-N coax. Love m to bits.. 



"Moving the crossovers out of the speaker cabinet has interested me ever since I saw an Italian speaker for sale at Echo HiFi in Portland , this is was and is the only speaker that I've seen with external crossovers .  I'm still wondering why this isn't more common on higher end speakers , but me doing it is just beyond my ambition and capability ."

This is what I have done for the speakers I have already built and the others to come. I'm not even going to build the module for subwoofer into its cabinet and I'm definitely thinking about externalising the XO of the 2.4's.. but then I'll also have to remodel the terminal of the speakers.

I'm really looking forward to getting started : I'm waiting for all the parts, which are all in transit from USA/ UK and from Germany... 

Once I have all my parts I will keep you guys up to speed.. 


I'll be back.




The pure by clarity caps is not being produced in 14 and 28uF.

I've sent an email asking if they would do custom made caps and will let you know if they do... 

On a somewhat sombre note.. I've managed to kill one of my coaxes (SCS3-N) 🤦🏻‍♂️

I really do hope Rob at coherent sound can either fix it (those units were 700 Euros a piece at the time) or fix me up with a new unit as he already has with the SCS's.. 

All the parts are ordered and/ or one the way, but this little accident is going to delay things a tad.. 



I'm not concerned with how big the capacitors will turn out to be, as I'm not going to stick them back in the cabinet. They will be fixed on a board, outside the speaker, with a bi-wire coming from the board into the 2.4: for this I'll need to put two more terminal posts at the back..






How hard can I push the radiator on the 2.4?

It seems to be a bit more than I've already applied and I don't want to push too hard ( I've the feeling it's glued tight..)




I managed by digging a screwdriver into one of the screw holes..

Made two pictures of the XO, but don't know how to post pictures.. 


Maybe a bit off topic. Anybody here make their own cables?.

I was planning on maybe using a foil coil from Mundorf for making a copy of the alpha core Goertz mi3.. 


@vair68robert at the moment I have a silver line cable from Oehlbach. I also have a no name cable which I had made for connecting my mono blocks to the Thiels.. I still have that cable. Might give it a try..


@theaudiotweak I PM-ed you.. 

@tomthiel thank you for your cable update.

I would be interested in a workable configuration.. 

Got half the things I need for my speakers.. so good to get started soon... 

@jafant yes, the tweeters in the cs2.4 have FF.

I know because I have a slight difference in openness between the two: and Rob Gillum told me that this is either due to some electronic problem (which sparked me to do the upgrade in stead of selling the speakers (I had them on eBay for a day or the, before deciding against getting rid of them..).. I have received my Fluke measuring device yesterday and have still to see if both sisters have the same values), or this may be due to a difference in the amount of FF in the tweeters....

If it's electronics, the problem is solvable. If it's the amount of FF there is nothing to be done... 


Y'all have a nice weekend👍🏼


@tomthiel I've read my messages with Rob Gillum again and must admit that he didn't say there was nothing to be done if the problem were with the ferrofluid of the coaxes 

just sent him my broken coax today.. I'm sure he'll do a good repair job (I thought he could do with some practice..)


@everybody wanting to upgrade their 2.4 to 2.4SE..

(And I don't want to put Rob Gillum out if a job here.. ;-) )

I've contacted Clarity Cap and they are only willing to make the 14 and 28 uF caps of their newest purity range (PUR) if I buy a minimum of 25 pieces..

26 pieces would allow for 13 2.4's to be upgraded.. so I need twelve of you guys out there willing to upgrade with the Clarity Cap.. 

PM me if you want this Upgrade.. 



Thank you for replying and the info👍🏼

It seems I'll have to go either for the caps Rob will be getting shortly with the correct values of 14/28, or I'll have to combine two or more caps.

Seeing as there are more combinations to get to the magical 14 and 28, what would be a good combination, and could that be explained :for instance, would it make a difference if I combine 8+4+2 uF ( each obviously half the others value; would that create an unwanted effect?), or if I combine 8+5+1?

Would it be better to combine 7+7, or would that be what you not want, because of?

Anybody a nice explanation for how to tackle this best?


I've already got one potential upgrader👍🏼

One question here in the forum on the matter..

The person in in contact with at clarity caps said that the 28 uF cap would have to be in 250 VDC, as 27 uF would be their largest in 400 VDC, whereas the 14 uF could be made in 630 VDC (I don't know if the caps Rob has are also 630 for the 14 and 250 for the 28 uF cap?).

Would it be a problem, sonically, to put a 250 VDC cap in the system?


Teen should be ten and rasch should be each.. ( for better reading and understanding)


@those planning an upgrade of the 2.4. I've been in extensive talks with Clarity Caps and after harassing them (😬😬) I've got them willing to do a smaller batch of teen pieces rasch of the 14 uF and the 28 uF caps. The 14 will come in 630 VDC and the 28 will come in 250 vdc. 

The prices of the caps per piece, ex. VAT and shipping will come to:

PUR 14UH630V X 10 @ €165.00

PUR 28UH250V X 10 @ €142.50

This would mean 330 + 285 = 615 €  (677 $ / 516£) for the set.

I'm in, I've got one potential buyer who I'll be PM-IMG in a minute.

I need three more people willing to jump on the wagon..


PM me





Good day to you all..

I'm having a problem getting my hands on Mills resistors 12 Ohm @12W.

The sender has given me a very long list of other brands..

Anybody here recommend a substitute for the mills at same price range and sonic performance?

Thank you





Among others I have the 2.4 ..

The 12 Ohm is needed for my one point monitor with the SCS3-N Thiel coaxes.

Audi, I don't want to combine resistors to get to 12 Ohm. I'm just looking for a good substitute for the Mills, if anybody knows of one.. 

@vair68robert ... I already checked there it seems. They don't have the 12 Ohm 12 Watt resistors, unfortunately..🤷🏻‍♂️

@vair68robert thank you. I'll look.

@beetlemania I'll keep that in mind when I get around to the 2.4's. I had my eyes on some hand made resistors from Poland.. think they would come down to 20-25 dollars a piece... 

Good weekend too you all.. 


Tom gave me some tips on cables for my speakers and I must say that they are both more open ( the one on the right was a bit cramped/ held back and on the first listen benefits more than the left , but both are more present with my self made new cables. )

I've got the electronics for my surround speakers nearly finished and ask in their own little boxes (filled with holes for venting). Just need one or two resistors and caps and Rob to finish my coax...


****** Weekly reminder ******

Just to remind those willing to upgrade their 2.4

Clarity Caps PUR 14 uF@630 VDC for €165,00 / piece

Clarity Caps PUR 28 uF@259 VDC for €142,50/ piece

This would total in USD something around 670 for the set

******** PM me if interested ********




@tomthiel 2.5% over target may be so, but I recently sent back five(!) pieces of 6.8 uF caps (CC) because all of them were 7.0 uF.. I would not have minded this very much, were it not that they sell 7.0 uF caps as well.. that for me was reason to send them all back.. and now I'm waiting for Rob to send me five be says he has (and which he says sound excellent..).. 



I killed my amp yesterday😭😭

It is actually my own fault. I readjusted my room and put the amp underneath something else. This may have seriously impeded airflow, the unit was red hot when it failed.. 

So now I have to listen to music on my phone through a desktop speaker system.. at least it's something.. 

Happy listening y'all 😉