High Fidelity Cable replaces NPS 1260

The product is going to be called NPS Q45T. Not out yet, but on their Facebook page.


From late 2011 when Rick launched HFC, to late 2014 I helped on the digital side. I did all the website, marketing, banners, lightbox photography of all the products, contacted a heap of reviewers and websites to promote e.t.c

So apart from Rick and his wife (who was building all the early cables), I was the only other person. I was not an employee and not remunerated one single dollar, I just did it to be involved with what I sensed to be a cutting edge signal technology, which it was. No other cables come close.

Rick is a genius designer, passionate, huge hearted, and as all people like this, best suited to designing and inventing new products, not the dull minutiae of running a business. He could also be a difficult person and would burn bridges when he was provoked.

He told me even though the GFC had sent Virtual Dynamics under (with sales dropping 90%) it had been 10 years and things with VD had run its course. It’s now been exactly 10 years with HFC and the same thing seems to has occurred, with COVID sending them under.

Supply chain issues would hurt HFC most of all because Rick has almost everything custom made, not much is off the shelf. For example the initial CT-1 RCA connector has almost 40 different parts (in a single connector!)

Rick will be back and energised in a year or two with a slew of new products, no doubt about it.


I just got my q45t and it is amazing. This is a damn shame if that company went under. With that said, I am grateful that I got a bottle. It’s so amazing (really makes for a black background, significantly improved the low end on my Franco Serblin Accordo Essence speakers (was my only and singular gripe, which was the lack of low end punch for these speakers), expanded the sound stage nicely, making it easier to pick out specific placement of instruments and vocals... basically, everything you’ve heard on this thread is true) that I’m going to try and grab another bottle from somewhere. It’s just too good for so little money.



If past history is an indicator of future performance, Ricky will land on his feet. Not the first time an inventor of real, difference-making products has had problems on the business end. Without considering any of the other possibly legitimate factors that have been offered here, how about this: His products are so good, he simply can’t keep up with the demand. Simplistic yes, but maybe closer to the truth.

I should state that the only thing treated so far is the PC from my Puritan 156 to the wall, and my Fidellium speaker ribbons.  Will treat the XLR cable next, and then the PCs from components to Puritan, one by one.  Super happy with the sonic improvements.  Very lush sound. 

