McIntosh -- good for show, not for sound, says dealer

More unvarnished truth from YouTube.
"real audiophiles...know it doesn't sound that good"

Real audiophiles -- be aware. You've been read the Riot Act. 





Nope, not cancel culture at all.  Do you even know what cancel culture is?

That is why I said “Audio equivalent” (of cancel culture).

It seems like many people want to get threads chopped off at the point that they turn in a direction that they do not like.

And any voice that is not in the mainstream, gets shut down in politics, and many other places.

It is like adults cannot share differing opinions in a mature fashion and need the parents of admins, to just shut down threads and give timeouts.

I have some Mc gear, and I like the look of it.
I like it because I can lord it over others, and everyone knows it should be good… so it is great for social signalling.

But I am kind of a moron, and generally grumpy… so there is that.

Honest works for me.. I'm a grumpy ol fart until I see the neighbor lady. She's a peach for sure. 

I'm no party pooper. Who cares what others think, they have the right to be wrong and ashamed, and all about the same thing. Mcintosh is, like JELLO, there is always room for Mac. :-) 


I have owned many MAC components during the 60s, 70s. I even worked for several high end audio shops during the time. MAC gear is good stuff made well but just not the best sounding gear for the money.  Back in the 60s and 70s the MAC had tech that would travel their dealers and test and fix any gear they made that was quite nice of MAC. However, that was when Macintosh own the company and that perk no longer exist as MAC is owned by some Japanese company.

  MAC gear is still built well and only the ultra high-end gear is built to a higher quality.  Regardless of how much you love your MAC gear it's not the top sound gear buy a long shot. It's not bad sounding either just not near the top either. However, it's way good enough to listen to music. Would I trade my Pass Labs for MAC no way.  So if you own it an enjoy it that is what counts, listening to music not to equipment.


Well I'll tell you what laoman and tsushima1 IF I post the cases next to my dog will that satisfy you or are you going to continue. Will you promise to leave and NEVER come back?

Heck Mike is fine you two though. He has a purpose, what the heck are you two REALLY about?

At this point I'm pretty sure you can get away with anything an AG. Look at the pair of you. Admin/Moderator put up with you two. Insulting folks, making fun because your not in front of me.. We all know that's true. Your both are rather sad.. BUT I still have my 24k cases and you don't. There is a fact.. I would have told you who to contact but, I'd doubt they would have anything to do with you. You're both quit the nasty little pair.

Remind me of hemorrhoids. You know you get them from workin' your A$$ off not your mouth.. 

Have either of you said anything constructive? ONE SINGLE THING? Please point me there. Insult my country, insult my gold cases, what else are you going to stoop to. My dog, then the rabbit?  I THINK NOT. I draw the line at the rabbit, The dog can whip the pair of you at the same time. She's 14 lbs..

Funny guys.. 

Admin quit erasing my post  and shutting down threads. I don't like it. That's all you need to know. I don't like it at all.. Please stop. Your bothering me. Your on this earth to make me happy, no one else.. I wish you would figure that out.. 

Thankyou for you hard work.. 

BTW I want to me Emperor. First order of business. The two funny guys, bring um here, go get a young calf, we'll see if they are really up to it..:-) I'll take the video.

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