Is there a solid fuse-like item that I can use in place of a fuse, to bypass it?

Hi All,

instead of using a "gourmet" fuse in certain situations, I want to bypass the fuse entirely with a solid piece of metal. I also want to avoid soldering-in a piece of wire in the fuse’s place.

Are there solid pieces of silver or copper, the same size as a fuse, that i can swap into a fuse holder?


Simply wrap the fuse in copper foil. Some foil has adhesive that is conductive.....perfect stuff....been using it for years. Just once around will do otherwise it won’t fit in the fuse holder. If you use a 20 amp slow blow or larger fuse it already has lower resistance. All tweakers need to have a roll of this stuff around....great for shieldng too.


Same physical size fuse in 20-amp is practically a solid piece of metal... 

Yes, red copper, yellow copper, silver, I like red copper. 5mm thick and 20 or 30mm long.

First get the video going. Turn the power switch on take the 5mm x 30mm wire or round stock, smile at the camera and plug it in. When you wake up send us the video. :-) I'll pay ya if it's a good one.

You remove the protection for your gear. The fire protection is at the breaker anyway. If you think about it there isn't a lot of things that have fuses on them. Christmas tree lights, stereo gear? What else?

TV have a breaker, vacuum cleaner? What uses a stupid FUSE? The garbage disposal that's it and stereo gear. It's a conspiracy. :-)

copper tubing, like used as water line to a freezer ice maker - 1/4 inch OD

Stuff it with some damping material, or silicone...or beeswax

Are you an employee at what was the AKM semiconductor factory in Japan?

.."Oh, this might be an idea, someone on AudioGon said they used to do this back in 'Nam..."