Is Old Music Killing New Music?

I ran across this Atlantic magazine article on another music forum. It asks the question if old music is killing new music. I didn't realize that older music represents 70% of the music market according to this article. I know I use Qobuz and Tidal to find new music and new artists for my collection, but I don't know how common that actually is for most people. I think that a lot of people that listen to services like Spotify and Apple Music probably don't keep track of what the algorithms are queuing up in their playlists. Perhaps it's all becoming elevator music. 

Is Old Music Killing New Music? - The Atlantic


If the Beatles are geniuses because of thirteen albums in few years what about Bob Dylan productions? He was alone and it is certainly comparable productions...

Anyway who know the 6 thousand works Telemann output?

The 500 hundred Vivaldi concertos?

And his more than one hundred operas?

People call genius anybody they like...

I prefer to call genius some others ....

I will call Bach a genius for example....

Sorry for the Beatles, i like them very much anyway....They will be the first astounded by the ignorance of their fans....



Maybe not enough "new" music is "good" music. When something is appealing, people find it without it being spoon fed to them by a music executive. Take a minute to listen to what is now defined as R&B. Over processed tunes that muffle good vocals trying to sing poor lyrics. Maybe if artists... focused on making good music and not scoring likes on Tik Tok or IG, there might be stuff people would gravitate to. One thing this article inadvertently proves... good music never goes old ... even after 18 months!!! 


By speaking of the Beatles I was not implying that they were over and above Dylan or any of the classical, jazz, or artists from any other genre. And was not comparing them to Bach, Vivaldi, Beethoven, Miles Davis, etc.

I found the article by Rick Ruben interesting and I would say that he knows quite a bit about the artists of today. 

With that said I do think the Beatles were genius in their own right.



I think that theBeatles have some "genius" for sure....

Anyone negating that is deaf....I apologize to you for my post if i was appearing  to  suggest the opposite...

But genius is a big word in a small world....Or a small word in a big world...

This is also like the marvellous Beatles genius, a true genius craftmanship: