Stockfisch Records

I cried when I started listening to my new Stockfisch LP's that arrived a few hours ago. The quality is unbelievable! Is it possible for vinyl to sound so good? I am dumbstruck...
It is like my system got a facelift!

Is there other Stockfisch users out there?


Their DMM-CD/SACD recordings are just amazing! They record direct to cutting lathe, and then use the lathe itself to playback directly to DSD. Highly recommended...

You can view the process here:


Beautifully recorded is one thing. Beautiful music is another. Personally, I do not listen to music just because it sounds good. My "Audiophile Record as a performance enhancer" days are over. Occasionally, you get really lucky and get both a great recording and performance. Tower of Power Direct on Sheffield Records is an example.